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  • Writer's pictureLuke Gialanella

A Guide to govlearn simulations

Are you a teacher wondering how to teach my simulations? Well, here is a guide to my two simulations and how you can organize them!


What you need:

A computer (you can choose to use the computer screen or connect to a projector or television)

At least 2 students

Two small bags

Small slivers of paper with state names on them


Explain the two party platforms to your students. Divide the state papers evenly and randomly to the students. Turn on a blank electoral map on Have the students put the state they believe would vote for a certain party in that party bag. Read the state votes and calculate the winner.


A computer (you can choose to use the computer screen or connect to a projector or television)

At least 2 students


Go to Split the students into teams (there can be 1-5 teams) and have them select categories and amount of money.

I hope this was helpful! Learn, explore, and most importantly, have fun!

Happy GOVLEARNing!

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